Title: Cassandra Palmer - Embrace the Night (Volume 2) ° Volume 1 ° ° ° Volume 2
Author: Karen Chance
Edition: Milady
Number of pages: 507 pages
Cassandra Palmer has become conspicuous'm Ruler of the universe, it still has quite a thorn in foot. As it will be submitted to the charm that binds to Mircea, a vampire particularly attractive, she has no control over his life. The cons-
fate lies in an ancient book of magic: the Codex Merlini. But this one is not found ... at least in the present. We must return to the past to expect to get their hands on it. And if is so well hidden, because it is extremely dangerous. On the one hand, this Codex which spells can destroy the world, on the other, the powers of Pythia, who, if they fall into the hands of vampires, can frustrate. Cassie here face the biggest dilemma of his life!
fate lies in an ancient book of magic: the Codex Merlini. But this one is not found ... at least in the present. We must return to the past to expect to get their hands on it. And if is so well hidden, because it is extremely dangerous. On the one hand, this Codex which spells can destroy the world, on the other, the powers of Pythia, who, if they fall into the hands of vampires, can frustrate. Cassie here face the biggest dilemma of his life!
My opinion:
Firstly, I want to thank very warmly Milady editions for the confidence placed in me by sending me the third volume of this saga.
- It is with great joy that I am plunged back into the adventures of Cassandra Palmer, and what adventures! We will resume where we left off in the previous volume and we find our young Pythia which continues to accumulate problems (and yet it is difficult to imagine that it could be more).
Cassie tries so throughout this volume to solve problems that accumulates the most important: freedom of geis which was imposed without his knowledge there several years ago.
What makes me most afraid of in the sagas is that the volumes that keep coming do not always follow the pace and quality of the above. We can rest assured with this volume will, it is really excellent.
Many actions, many of intrigue, there is not much time to catch breath sounds during playback because it is so exciting!
I admit I found some scenes but it was long in my rush to know the following events.
Of course, these scenes are sensual and distilled throughout the narrative. We must know, personally it does not bother me.
- Cassandra evolves as and tomes, it matures and begins to assume his responsibilities in his new role as Pythia. Pritkin finally the spotlight in this volume (finally!) And is entitled to great revelations (and what revelations!). We find of course the other characters already met previously and what I liked is that they are alive in the novel and do not just act extras. I also learned to appreciate more Mircea for which I wear a different look in the light of this third album, I'm starting to love it.
- Anyway, I really liked and I'm curious to know what happens next because there are still many things to use! I felt an improvement in writing is still less rough than the previous two, not quite perfect (but who is?).
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